Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Updates on NTV7 interview

TODAY! (April 13 - Wed) 6:30PM
For those who've been following, you'd know that we'll be interviewed LIVE on NTV7 today. What you might not know (and what we JUST found out today) is that we'll be interviewed in Malay! *gulp* This is going to be interesting as Malay is not our strongest language! Haha! Well, for those watching... have a good laugh :)

TOMORROW! (April 13 - Thur) 12:00PM
We will also be interviewed on the same show tomorrow at 12PM. This time, it's in English! Phew... now, this should be a little more of a comfort zone for us. Of course, you might still have a good laugh :)

So, anyway, if you're near a TV anywhere during those slots, do tune in to NTV7. "See" ya'll!