Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's been a rollercoaster ride!!!!

hello friends...

It's been quite a ride so far...from turning in the hours at the studio to finish up the songs in the upcoming album (which is gonna be my opinion), turning down gigs for the past 2 months (which we have never ever done before), getting a new band member (the dude who's writing this post right now..hehe) to getting the final touches done to releasing our album...who would have guessed that coming out with a simple album would require so much time and effort.....but its all worth it...cos i think it sounds great....maybe im being biased..hehe...oh guys be the judge....

Now a little bit about myself..My name's Terry Yeow..the guys call me Terry can call me i would definitely prefer that you just call me Terry in public..heheh....i'm working in a private university, handling events and counseling students...i love God and i'm not ashamed to say it in public... so yea..that's basically Terry in a nutshell...please do come and say hi if you ever catch me at one of our gigs...i love meeting people... :) anyways...i've known the guys for a number of years now and i've never said this to them before...but i have always looked up to them as my big brothers...(maybe its also because im the youngest in the band) playing and making music with them is such an honour for me..... i heart you guys... :)

Gonna sign off some work to finish up before i meet the designer for our album cover...i'm seriously looking forward to gigging again..and i hope to meet and get to know you there...take care friends...

Blessings - TerryBerry-

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